Of course they chose the same college and the same dorm house to live in.
No way will either of them allow anyone to keep them apart. Brad was very displeased to find out they'd be in the same dorm house and tried his best to talk Sheyenne into living at an all girl's dorm but his words fell on deaf ears. After all, they allowed Brianna to live in co-ed housing, there was no reason she couldn't either. And when Brad was reckless enough to try and sweeten his all-girl's dorm idea with some extra cash deposited in her account every month, Sheyenne came unglued!
It was not a pretty scene.
Nothing was going to keep her from being in the same house as Harley and that was that! She also told her dad just where he could put his awful, manipulative little bribe, (right where the sun don't shine!!!)
Father and daughter refused to talk to each other after their big blow-out. Both were stubborn as heck and their stand-off from one another caused my Simself/Shaye a whole lot of upset. No mother likes to see a daughter at war with her father. They both refused to meet each other half-way and as much as she tried to bring them together with a happy medium it just caused more stress and strain for everyone in the house.
Finally Shaye washed her hands of the whole stupid ordeal. She had a daughter heading off to college in a matter of days and she wanted to spend as much positive, stress-free time with her that she could before her little girl was completely gone from the nest!
And that's exactly what she did - her and Sheyenne went on a couple shopping sprees, hung out and drank smoothies together at their favorite juice bar and when it came time to pack up Sheyenne's things for college, they both did it with a lot of tears.
Now, over at Hunter's lot, things weren't quite as emotional.
Hunter was very aware of how Brad felt in regard to his daughter living in the same dorm as his son and he even tried, (a little bit), to dissuade Harley from doing that, but it was obvious from the get-go that it was a huge waste of time to even "go there".
Harley and Sheyenne had their minds made up and nothing was going to change that. Instead Hunter sat Harley down and had a "man-to-man" with him about being responsible, putting his studies first and WAITING to have sex as opposed to jumping right into the fire.
Well, if you've raised a teenager or can remember how it was when you were one, then you know Hunter's advice on waiting to have sex was nothing more than wasted breath.
Up until now Harley and Sheyenne hadn't succumbed to their primal urges but the two of them saw nothing wrong with starting a sexual relationship in college, after all, (as he explained to Hunter), he and Sheyenne would be together for the rest of their lives so there was no reason NOT to have sex.
Not much Hunter could say to that but he did stuff Harley's backpack full of condoms the night before Harley left for college.
On Sheyenne's last night home the family gathered for a special dinner in her honor. They decided to keep it simple and not invite a lot of people, (Sheyenne wanted it that way). All she asked for was to be able to have her best friend, Helen, (Harley's sister), over and of course there was no problem with that. She wanted to have Harley over too but knew that would cause a humongous scene, plus she'd be joining him very next day, so it was all good.
The evening was a quiet success, all Sheyenne wanted for dinner was three-cheese pizza and strawberry shortcake for dessert, so that's what she got. Her and Brad were still on no-speaking terms and you could see how much pain that was causing both of them whenever you looked in their eyes, especially Brad.
Late that night when everyone was asleep, Sheyenne went down to the kitchen to snag herself a slice of cold pizza when she ran into her father getting himself a big bowl of Jamocha Almond Fudge ice cream. Guess you could say their craving for a midnight snack was a bit of a blessing as they ended up breaking their stone-cold silence towards one another. They talked things out and came to an understanding,.. of sorts.
Brad had been refusing to go on the drive to take her to the campus but she was able to talk him into it. So at the butt-crack of dawn, they packed up the car and Brad, Courtney, the twins, and my Simself hit the road, delivering Sheyenne to her new life as a college student.
Sheyenne LOVES the dorm house she's in!
And she loves it even more because Harley lives there too.
They are both majoring in the Arts.
Brad and Hunter had hoped they'd have majored in something
with a bit more depth but their children had a plan of their own and
there was no changing their minds.
Hunter wasn't sure about what career he would enter after college -
he figured that was a bridge to cross when he got there.
Sheyenne had it all planned out for herself.
She and Harley would get married and have a house full of kids.
Having a career was secondary to her.
And yes, Brad wanted to jump off the nearest bridge after
learning what Sheyenne wanted to do with her life.
But he had to accept it.
Not every kid is as nutty for Physics like his oldest daughter, Brianna.
Sheyenne and Harley do take their very classes seriously -
the one thing they agree with their parent's about is that
a college education would be the key to their success-
even if it was just a plan to get married, have a bunch of kids
and farm organic fruits and vegetables.
(That's what Sheyenne wants to do)
The two of them spend EVERY waking moment together -
they go to class together, study together, eat together and
everything else in-between.
There isn't anything they can't talk to each other about.
And no,
as of now they have NOT conjured up any purple hearts of their own!
They're both very BIG on fitness, jogging a couple times a day
and also hiking when they don't have to study.
Everything they do always ends like this
They weren't in the dorm house more than a coupla days
when this Sim found her way there -
it was Brianna and no surprise she walked right in
with her nose stuck in a Physic's book.
Brianna is also quite a good cook, especially when it comes to baking.
She whipped up a cake for everyone at the house,
her little way of welcoming her sister and Harley to life on campus.
Didn't take long after they started talking over their cake
for Harley and Sheyenne to catch on to the REAL reason Brianna came over -
Big Sister was there to spy on Little Sister and most likely
report what she found back to their father.
And it didn't help much, (at all),
when Brianna scoffed at their choice of major,
spouting off about how being a successful artist and actually
making any decent money was about as easy as winning the lottery.
And then she went on and on about how having a bunch of kids
would only add to their financial folly if all they wanted to do
was paint pictures and live on a farm.
Harley was the first to jump in
and defend what he and Sheyenne had planned.
Which he did in a nice, smile-on-his-face kinda way.
He'd always liked Brianna quite a bit and didn't want to make a scene.
It was Sheyenne who stepped up and got to the heart of the matter -
she was quick to call her big sister into the kitchen for a little talk.
And she wasn't interested in hearing anything more Brianna had to say -
she wanted her sister to LISTEN to what SHE had to say!
Sheyenne told Brianna straight up that if she
couldn't be supportive of what her and Harley had planned then
she just wasn't welcome over there anymore!
And she put Brianna in her place about acting like such a snotty snob
and passing judgement on them.
If she wanted to marry Harley, live on a farm
and have a bunch a kids then that was her business
and she had NO RIGHT to judge her!
Brianna didn't take to being reprimanded by her little sister very well.
When the conversation was over, Brianna turned her back,
didn't even say good-bye and left.
And that was it -
Brianna left in a huff and Sheyenne grabbed Harley to go on a jog.
She needed to run off her anger.
Hopefully they'll find a way to be the close sisters they've always been.
Only time will tell,...