She looks a lot like Melanie doesn't she?
No, she's not the long lost daughter of Melanie's, (if she had a long lost daughter she'd be a heck of a lot older than this little girl!) But she IS the daughter of Melanie's younger sister, Marcia.
Her name is Meghan and she is the spitting image of Melanie.
Since the time she was born Meghan was raised by this woman, Melanie's mother, Marge, (and yes, they like "M" names).
And the young teen was not in any kind of position to care for a baby so Marge adopted her.
Unfortunately Marcia is still out there in the world living a carefree lifestyle and it doesn't include being a responsible mom. Marge had hoped Marcia would have been more settled down by now to take on the care of Meghan but things are far from that. When Marcia was last heard of, (a quick call on Marge's birthday), Marcia was quite happy living in Vegas and working as a stripper.
Nope, NOT the kind of life that could ever include having Meghan with her.
Although Marcia is good at sending Marge money to put towards Meghan's care. But other than that, she shows no interest in spending any time with her young daughter.
Melanie and Marcia have a few years between them and they never got too close. Seemed Marcia was always making reckless, selfish choices in her life that only served to frustrate and most times, infuriate Melanie. She tried over and over to counsel her younger sister and bailed her out of more than a few jams that she got herself into but once she took on the stripper life, Melanie distanced herself.
Marge and Melanie's father, George, owned a very successful dairy farm that had been in George's family for ages. When George died, (11 years ago), Marge took on running the farm and did very well at it.
It was just in the last couple of years that it was getting to be a bit too much for her. She'd gotten a very generous offer from a dairy company wanting to buy it and after a lot of thought, she felt selling was the best thing to do. And there was a retirement community she was thinking about moving into too but that couldn't happen when she was raising Meghan. It got to be too over-whelming of an ordeal for her and after a long talk over the phone with Melanie one night, Melanie told them to just come and stay with her and Trevor for a couple months or so while they get it all figured out. Marge had to do something, the sale of the dairy farm was now final and her and Meghan had to go.
So, to Melanie and Trevor's they went.
Much to Melanie and Trevor's surprise -
everyone got a long very well. Meghan fit right in with Tabitha and the twins
and the kids adore having their "Grammie Marge" around too!
Marge got a job in the education biz right away -
she's not one to sit around, she likes to be up and active!
Best part is that Meghan does so well with them. She's closer to the twins age than she is Tabitha and the three of them get along with little to no squabbles.
Meghan is an Aquarius and quite the little comedienne, she has million jokes and telling them is one of her favorite activities.
So far Tabitha and the twins haven't tired of hearing them!
One thing that I find really interesting about Meghan -
she has the same little crooked tooth Melanie does!
Strange how a child can be born to look exactly like
an aunt or an uncle and nothing like their parents,
which Meghan looks nothing like Marcia.
One thing for sure though -
Meghan idolizes her Auntie Melanie!!
She wants to grow up and be just like her!
No doubt she'll LOOK just like her!
And Marge is super handy to have around the house too-
she'll whip out her tool box and fix just about anything that needs repair-
and in no time flat!!
Which gives Trevor a chance to do the stuff he enjoys -
like working out.
It's also his way to escape all the chaos that comes
with a house full of kids.
Life is good for the Ngai family.
Trevor is a top surgeon now and Melanie is still an education minister.
And before they knew it, it was time for Tabitha to teen up!
Time goes so fast!!
Melanie invited Sleeko and her family
but only Ryan, Cornelia and Anna could make it.
Sleeko had a meeting to attend
and her Aunt Emma was out of town.
It was a disappointment that Sleeko couldn't come
but Trevor and Ryan enjoyed catching up with one another.
And getting in a game of darts before birthday cake time.
Cornelia was a little shy around everyone at first.
But it didn't take long before her and Tabitha to became best friends.
Which is a good thing cause Cornelia will be teening up soon too and
most likely the two of them will be going to college together.
Anna gravitated towards Michael and Matthew.
She's closer to them in age than she is Tabitha
and she made a good friend out of Meghan too.
When the time comes Anna will be a teen
alongside the twins and Meghan.
And then it was time for Tabitha to get in front of the birthday cake!
Teen Tabitha!!
Tabitha teened up into a very pretty Sim!!
Not long after Tabitha teened up
Melanie and Trevor discovered they were expecting again!
Melanie's mom, Marge was super excited
to be living there for the big event.
The two of them spent a lot of time talking about the new baby on the way.
They talked about EVERYTHING those days leading
up to the arrival of their 4th child.
Melanie is still raving about the wonderful Dream Date
that her and Trevor had and even made a gentle suggestion
to Marge that she might want to get out there and date.
That suggestion didn't go over too well with Marge
Guess you could say Marge was saved in having to defend
her reasons against dating when Melanie and Trevor's noo-boo
decided it was a good time to arrive.
A new grandchild on the way didn't stop Marge from thinking
about the promotion she got that day
It's A Noo-Boo!!!
And It's A BOY!!!
Meet Baby Tyler!
I thought for sure when it was time for Tyler
to kid up that Tabitha or Marge would get the honors
but it was still something saved for mommy Melanie to do.
Tyler poofed into a cute little boy
but he had some strange blonde hair that had to be changed.
He has Trevor's skin-tone and eyes
but I see more of Melanie in him than with Tabitha or the twins!