Lily was stunned that Brianna would be so judgmental
And Lily really didn't like the part about Brianna
spying on Sheyenne and Harley for her dad.
And after hearing all the gory details Lily thought on it for a bit.
And basically told Brianna the only choice she had was
to call her dad and tell him she refuses to do anymore spying
and then also call Sheyenne and Harley and beg for their forgiveness.
Well, Brianna wasn't quite ready to do THAT!
She thanked Lily and then took her dilemma to Silas.
And told HIM the whole story and then asked for HIS advice.
And told HIM the whole story and then asked for HIS advice.
And Silas told her to do the same thing Lily did.
It suddenly hit Brianna what an awful bitch she'd been!
She felt like total crap!
Her friends were right!
First thing Brianna did was call and talk to both her mom and dad.
She told them Sheyenne and Harley were doing just fine
and she would NOT go over and spy ever again!
Of course her parents refused to admit they wanted
Brianna to out-and-out SPY on her sister.
They just wanted her to check up on her to see how she was doing -
ya know, in case Sheyenne needed anything.
Brianna didn't buy that for a minute!
She didn't like fighting with her parents either
but that's what happened.
In the end she told them to come over and see for themselves
if they were so worried about Sheyenne.
And she told them she was staying out of any family drama
about Sheyenne and Harley.
It was a tough conversation but one that needed to happen.
And then she called Sheyenne.
Waiting for her sister to answer was the hardest part -
she really didn't want this particular conversation to go bad.
Sheyenne was still very upset
and tried to put off talking to Brianna.
But, (as nicely as she could), Brianna convinced Sheyenne
to talk to her and once she knew her sister was listening, she apologized.
And then they talked from the heart.
It took some time -
they must have talk a good hour, but in the end they were friends again.
Lesson learned for Brianna.
The next morning on her way to class Brianna felt so much better.
This had been the worst fight her and Sheyenne ever had.
When Brianna and Silas got back to the house after class
they stopped before going inside and did what they always do -
not a whole lot.
Then Silas began talking about Physics class -
like he always does.
And then they went back to doing what they always do -
Silas thinking about what he wanted for lunch
and Brianna playing with her little round puzzle thingy.
Then they talked about what Silas wanted for lunch
And then back to the little round puzzle thingy.
They do this every darn day after class -
same boring stuff!
And then something changed.
I dunno, maybe Silas was experiencing a low sugar reaction
because he hadn't had lunch yet
but suddenly he got a very strange look in his eye
and that caught Brianna's eye.
She began to worry he might end up having some kind of
weird fit or something right there in front of her...
No, he didn't have a fit.
But he did leap!
Brianna was stunned!
And Silas felt rather good with himself.
Took awhile for Brianna to catch on to what was happening.
Poor kid, time for her to lighten up!!
Silas moved in for that First Kiss real quick
and the next thing they knew -
yep, they were in love!
It was about time!!
At least one of them was excited about it.
Come on Brianna, wake up -
you just fell in love girlfriend!!
Silas showed her what it was all about!!
Yep, welcome to the REAL WORLD Brianna!
There's a LOT more to life out there than just the books!!