For Nick, Sammy and their children, moving on without Ruby in their lives, (Nick's mother who just passed away recently, in case you didn't know), is difficult but they're doing okay. They lean on each other when they need support and share all the wonderful memories of Ruby to cheer themselves up when they feel sad.
Nick is now a Field Agent in the Intelligence biz and has been working a lot of long hours. Have a feeling the he'll be Head Of The CIA real soon!
One of the best things that happened recently was having Nicole back in their lives. The fact that Nicole is doing so well put Nick's mind at ease and he hopes his sister enjoys much success in her new nursing career.
*Click on the "Read More" link for the rest of the update!
There was something that happened one evening that I just have to share with all of you. It was dinnertime and it had been a super busy day for everyone. As it turned out they were having a very late dinner and Sammy told the kids as soon as they were done eating, it was time for bed!
Then THIS Sim entered the yard and walked up to the front door.
In case you don't know who this is, it's Sammy's Simself that I had put in my asylum challenge, (that I abandoned not long after starting it). And ACR played havoc with those in the asylum basically making all 7 patients gay/lesbian, (Don Lothario was spared as their care-taker because he didn't have any kind of relationship with any of them). Anyway, Sammy ended up falling in love with Lucy Hanby and they're currently married and quite happy.
But before I was able to get my Sims back to normal after the ACR fiasco Sammy ended up having a child with Goopy, (sorry Sammy!)
His name is Gaston and he'd come home with Stuart after school that day and being the house was so busy he got over-looked and it never occured to Gaston to go home on his own. So, Sammy was there to collect her child.
Stuart and Gaston
Gaston's Sammy walked right into the house like she lived there!
And I guess she was rather hungry cause instead of getting Gaston
and going home, she sat at the table and began eating!
Gaston went home on his own.
Both Sammy's got along really well!
I missed getting a pix of it
but when the other Sammy finally went home she did it
while heart-farting over Sammy Smith!!
So, yes, life is getting back to normal for Nick, Sammy and the kids.
They even got a little surprise. They'd decided to only have three children but "accidents" happen and the next thing they new, they were preparing for yet another child.
They were very happy about it!
When the special day arrived Nick jumped into action!
I think we're all getting real good at bringing noo-boo's in the world!
Hello Noo-boo!!
It's A Girl!
Meet Belinda!!
They were thrilled to have another little girl!
In memory of his mom, Nick gave Belinda the name Ruby
for her middle name.
Mom Sammy got the honors when it was time for Belinda to toddler up!
Her hair looked too much like a little boy
so she got a different hair style.
Sammy and Nick took turns in teaching Belinda all her toddler skills.
She was such a happy little one, as it turned out, having Belinda was exactly what the family needed in putting their grief behind them and looking forward to the future.
In no time at all it was Belinda's birthday.
Kid Belinda!!
It turned out that Belinda really needed glasses
and from the day she saw a picture of her Aunt Nicole,
she wanted to have pigtails just like her!
Of all our Simski kids, Sammy and Nick have the most dedicated book worms ever! They LOVE to study and skill up, rolling wants for that and not much else.
All of them are so fond of book-learning they don't want to get out and have much physical fun, like playing outside. That bothers Nick sometimes so he makes sure to get all the kids outside for fun and fresh air.
Sammy and Belinda decided to have a little contest
of who could make a snowman the quickest.
Belinda won!
The last day of winter finally arrived and it just so happened that it was also the twin's birthday.
Time for Nesnia and Nero to Teen Up!
They planned a party and at the last minute Nick got called into a work. Sammy and the kids were really bummed about that but Melanie and her twin sons were coming over so they were really happy about that!
It had been awhile since Sammy saw Melanie, (it was before Ruby died), and it was a real joy for Sammy to have her best-friend over to help celebrate the twin's birthday.
They had a LOT to catch up on!
Melanie's son, Matthew
And Melanie's son, Michael
Melanie had a gift for Sammy too -
one of her quilts that she wanted them to have and had meant to give them
right after Ruby died but time got away from her..
Sammy thanked Melanie by giving her a good tickle.
Of course!!
It was time for the twins to blow out the birthday candles
and Matthew and Michael didn't wait around for their mom -
they didn't want to miss this!
First up to the birthday cake was Nesnia!!
Teen Nesnia!!
And then it was Nero's turn!!
Teen Nero!!
I think they both teened up really well!
And they both wanted make-overs -
especially Nesnia, this is how she looks now,..
And here's Nero!
Both of them are almost completely skilled up -
of course they're Knowledge Sims.
Nesnia wants to be a Game Designer
and Nero, a City Planner.
They'll be heading off to college very soon.
They're set to to go at the same time that Tabitha, Courtney,
Danielle, Ariel, Alex, Ally, Flynt and Cornelia go.
Updates Coming Soon!!