But unfortunately my hood Chuckanut Bay is, (lost).
I accidentally deleted it thinking it was a different hood.
Ah, well,..hate to admit it but the Simski's in Chuckanut Bay
were becoming a bit boring and it was a drudge to play the hood.
Maybe me deleting it was one of those subconscious moves so I wouldn't
have to force myself to play any longer?
Could be,...
But please, do NOT despair!
I will be adding all the pix from the story I wanted to share
last year for Halloween but couldn't because of a major incident stemming
from an over-load of unreliable CC causing the hood to bork out on me.
I may not have the Uni hood any longer but I have all the pix.
These Halloween stories take place in different dorms
while all the Simski's are attending college.
And the perfect title for all of these stories is -
Somebody's Watchin Me!!
Stay Tuned!