Monday, May 20, 2013

College Girls

Thought you might like to know how Lily and Brianna are doing in college.

They are doing GREAT!
Both made the Dean's List and are in the middle of their sophomore year.

Wish I could report the same for Dominic, (Nicole's son), but he didn't take to college life as well as most. As a matter of fact he hates it, especially going to class and doing assignments.

And he didn't get along with everyone all that well, which is unfortunate.

It finally came down to Dominic leaving, (he wanted to), and no, he hasn't dropped out of college but moved to a different dorm. 
Hopefully he'll do better there.

The whole ordeal with Nicole fooling Darren, (his dad), into thinking Danielle was his child and then finding out his mother lied, really effected him.
He carries around a lot of anger and hostility over it all.
Darren encourages him to let it go but so far Dominic can't seem to forgive Nicole. 

Not knowing what to do with his anger he lashed out at others often and never seemed to want to be a positive part of the dorm house. 
He was especially rude towards their room mate, Connie, (for no apparent reason), when all she was trying to do was encourage him to study more, (because he was getting such terrible grades), and even offered to help him with his assignments too, but he turned against her which of course upset everyone else in the house.

While Dominic was in class they all got together and decided they would confront him and ask him to move out. Fortunately Dominic came home and announced that he'd already made plans to move. 

They all did their best to send him off with their friendship and support, Brianna even made a special dinner in his honor, but Dominic wanted no part of it, he just left, (not even saying good-bye).

Lily and Brianna were very hurt he would be so cold towards them, they've been friends since they were kids, but maybe time and being in a different dorm will help make things better for Dominic?
One can only hope,....

College life went back to normal after Dominic left.
They're looking for another room mate to fill Dominic's spot but haven't found anyone yet.

Brianna is feiercely devoted to her studies!
And when she isn't working on an assignment or reading up on something related to Physics, she's totally into fitness. She jogs twice a day, every morning and every night and in-between she likes working on the exercise machine.

Everyone was super excited for Lily when she came home from her date and told them she was in love. Brianna was especially happy for her best friend but she's not that interested in falling in love herself.

Of course it didn't take long before Sheldon was coming over to visit.

Best thing about Sheldon is that he's all about studying himself and he makes sure Lily puts her assignments before time with him. It's the kind of support she needs too because if she had HER way, she'd hang out with Sheldon before studying.

And when she has even the tiniest problem understanding any of her college assignments, Sheldon helps her understand it.
I doubt Lily would have made the Dean's list without his help.

Everyone in the house gets along with him great!
Sheldon even helped Silas with a couple tough assignments.
He comes by a couple times a week, hanging out for a meal and then whatever might come up.

Silas and Brianna have a 3 bolt attraction and they are the BEST of friends.
Silas even changed his major to Physics in order to spend more time with Brianna but both of them are such passionate Knowledge Sims they haven't rolled a want to fall in love yet - it's always something that has to do with their studies.
I'm not going to rush them but it's really weird to have 2 Sims so drawn to one another, yet they don't seem to want any romance.

Can't say that for Lily -
she loves cuddling and hanging out with Sheldon when he visits.

Of course they still have their silly little disagreements about the silliest little things. But they get over it quickly and go back to being blissfully in love.

Lily leaves the campus to go over and visit Sheldon too.

One particular night Sheldon suggested they go out and build a snowman in the front yard of Melanie and Trevor's place, (he still lives with them).

Lily thought it was a strange idea for Sheldon to have -
he doesn't like going out in the snow too much, especially for something like building a snowman. But it sounded like great fun to her and she even suggested they have a snowball fight but he passed on that.
Oh well,....

They built themselves a darn good snowman!

And then Sheldon REALLY surprised Lily!

Yep, right there in front of the snowman
Sheldon got on his knees and proposed to Lily.
Of course she said YES!

Of course they won't be getting married for some time.
Lily has to finish college first.

But it's official now between them!
Sheldon has plans to move out of Melanie and Trevor's place
as soon as Lily starts her Senior year in college.
He's saved up a LOT of money living with Melanie and Trevor 
and he wants to build him and Lily their dream house!

It's an exciting event, these two getting engaged -
Lily is the FIRST Simski child to be so close to marriage!!