Monday, May 13, 2013

Different Place, Same Sims

Well, looks like the Simski's need a new place to call home for their many updates. Not that I wanted to do it, but it's just too darn frustrating for me to spend so much time posting pix in a thread only to lose it all because of some darn "alert" page that pops up from my browser.

At least here I can save as I go.
It takes a long time to post all the pix I do and to lose it all like I was today over at the message board really burns my butt, lol.

I love blogger anyway and really do like the idea of having the Simski's here.
Just hope those of you that follow my updates like it as much as I do.
You can comment all you want and I hope you do!

The look of everything will most likely change.
Takes me a little time to find the perfect look for my blogs here.
(I've blogged here for years so know the set-up really well.)
I'm not that thrilled with the page graphics I chose -
which I thought they kinda looked like plumb-bobs but it's really
kinda awful, lol.

And now I'll move things along and get the update up that I tried all day
to do over at the message board.