Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sleeko's Movin On Up!

Well, there is one Simski lot that I haven't updated on in quite a bit and that would be Sleeko and Ryan's.

As you may remember, Sleeko's Aunt Emma invited them to move in with her, (she has a super big house), and they took her up on that.
They do miss living with Melanie and Trevor but love having so much more room to be a family.

Sleeko's Aunt is a fun, eccentric old gal who's traveled the globe more than a few times. She's a real go-getter and also Sleeko's favorite relative.

Everyone gets along really well and it turned out to be a good move for them.

Sleeko and Ryan's daughter, Cornelia, is very much a little Knowledge Sim - she loves to study!

She's a beautiful little girl too!!

The only tough challenges they've encountered so far is Ryan having a hard time finding work and then Sleeko's tedious climb up the ladder to reach her LTW of becoming a Media Magnate.

If Sleeko wasn't working long hours of over-time at the office then she was up all night working on the computer.

It took her away from Cornelia and Ryan and that caused a little bit of upset, but nothing they couldn't work through.

With being at home so much Ryan began wanting to have another child but Sleeko didn't feel it was the right time for that.
She was afraid that any time she might take off of work to have a noo-boo would effect her getting promoted.

At first Ryan was kinda upset that she was so adamant about NOT having another child but then he got an idea - what if they adopt?

They talked it over one night when Sleeko got home from work - 
Ryan could barely contain his excitement about the whole idea!

And he was even more excited when Sleeko agreed to it!

Ryan didn't wait and called the Adoption Agency that night!

The next morning at 10am their new adopted daughter, Anna, was dropped off.

Anna fits in with the rest of the family wonderfully and she and Cornelia became very close very fast!

Anna's a little bookworm too, another Knowledge Sim for sure!

Anna and Emma get along really well too!

For some odd reason Anna is ALWAYS bringing up this Sim in conversation.
In case you don't remember who that is, it's Bruno Ruggbyrne, Lily's dad.

So the Sleeko and Ryan family is quite the happy little unit.

And it didn't take long for Sleeko's dream to come true -
she reached her goal of becoming a Media Magnate and became Platinum!!

Now Sleeko's LTW is to be a Mad Scientist!
But she's going to enjoy her Media Magnate status for awhile before taking 
on the long haul of reaching the top of yet another career!

It was an exciting event in her life and that night she couldn't sleep -
she'd worked so hard to get to where she was and all she could do was think about it.

Finally she gave up on trying to sleep and being it was such a beautiful clear night, she decided to do a little star gazing, something she's always loved since she was a little girl.

The night sky was so clear and the stars seemed so much brighter than usual -they looked close enough to reach!

Suddenly something caught her eye,...

Actually, it might be more accurate to say that something's eye caught Sleeko!!

Sleeko was about to experience something she'd always been VERY curious about.

The pix tell the story really well,...

And then in an instant, Sleeko was gone!

Ryan and the girls were sound asleep at the time and didn't hear a thing.
Emma was up reading and thought she heard something but figured it was just a loud truck passing by the house.

She kept on reading, never noticing that Sleeko was somewhere up in outer space!

A couple or so hours later Emma, who was still up reading, heard something very strange and this time she knew that no way was it a truck going by!

She looked out the window and was shocked by what she saw!

She watched in horror as the spaceship hovered over her house, 
opened a hatch and tossed Sleeko out!

Emma had heard stories of Sims being abducted by aliens but she'd never met anyone who was - watching Sleeko fall from that spaceship just about gave her a heart attack!!!

And as quick as it came to take Sleeko away, it was just as quick to leave!

Sleeko didn't have much to say right after it happened.
She was in what they call, "Abduction Shock".

What ended up happening with Sleeko after her alien encounter is quite 
interesting and I'll have that update for you soon!

Thanks for reading!