Over in the Ngai household a lot of changes have been taking place, but one thing that never changes is the solid commitment of love that Melanie and Trevor have for one another.
Gosh, seems like it was yesterday that Melanie went on that blind date with Trevor where she was rolling wants for half the evening to make friends with that annoying as heck Leo Wilke.
Glad she finally put that want aside and devoted the rest of their date focusing on Trevor. I don't think Melanie realized that she was going out to dinner with her future husband but I think Trevor knew - he's been head over heels in love and totally committed to Melanie since the moment their eyes met.
Glad she finally put that want aside and devoted the rest of their date focusing on Trevor. I don't think Melanie realized that she was going out to dinner with her future husband but I think Trevor knew - he's been head over heels in love and totally committed to Melanie since the moment their eyes met.
Melanie and Trevor enjoy a good and content life together. There's no where else they'd rather be than exactly where they are. Their marriage is as solid as a rock and their kids are smart, robust and most importantly, happy.
They've traveled a few rough roads but nothing too severe.
Most recently they had to adjust to Melanie's mother, Marge, moving in along with Melanie's niece, Meghan, but other than adding a couple more bodies to the house, it turned out to be a positive experience. Melanie found herself reconnecting with her mom on a whole new level, which surprised her. She truly enjoys her mother's company and discovered some wonderful things about her mom she might not have ever known if Marge hadn't moved in.
And having Meghan join the family turned out to be fun.
Her love of telling a lot of silly jokes and playing pranks on everyone brightened up the Ngai home with a lot of laughter. Melanie and her niece grew very close and on those nights when Meghan would lay in bed crying because she missed her mother so much, it was Melanie that made her way in to her bedside to console her. They had hoped that Meghan's mother, Marcia, would find a way out of her unsavory lifestyle as a Vegas stripper/showgirl to raise Meghan but it never happened. Melanie's sister was right on time every month in sending generous support checks to help with the cost of taking care of Meghan but that's about all Marcia was reliable about. She never called Meghan like she said she would and never followed through on any of the times she promised to come to the Ngai's and actually spend time with her daughter. This devastated Meghan the most and it was gut-wrenchingly painful to stand by and watch this beautiful, smart young girl sit at the window for hours and hours, waiting and watching for a mother to arrive that never will.
Melanie and her mom didn't mince words when they would finally get Marcia on the phone. They let her know quite bluntly how all the broken promises to her daughter was damaging the poor girl. But it made no difference and it was always Melanie that picked up the pieces every time her sister bailed out, leaving Meghan tears.
The time went very fast and when Marge announce that she had found the perfect retirement community to move to, Melanie was actually sad at the thought of her mom not living with them. But there was no way Marge was going to let it be a sad event! This was something she had been saving a long time for and for her, it was a dream come true. She basically put her foot down, (quite sternly), to Melanie and every one else in the house that they would be happy and supportive about her move, (or else!). Besides, the retirement community was only 45 miles away - they'd still see each other often enough.
Marge was really tight-lipped about when she was actually going to move. Melanie and Trevor both asked when she was leaving but Marge never had an exact date for them. It didn't surprise Melanie that one day while her and Trevor were at work and the kids were in school, Marge moved out.
But that's the kind of woman Marge is, she doesn't cater to a lot of fuss and muss in life and she knew if she left when everyone was home it would be a long, drawn-out ordeal.
She chose to move out HER way, leaving handwritten letters on the pillows of everyone expressing her love and then two fresh-baked strawberry/rhubarb pies on the kitchen counter. This was a bright, new beginning for her and she wasn't about to let anyone, not even her own daughter, turn it into something sad and depressing.
Of course they were all shocked to come home and find Marge gone.
One by one they privately read the letters that she'd left them and then after dinner, they sat together and scarfed down one of the pies. They each had fun tales to share of all the good times they had living with Marge.
It ended up being an enjoyable evening.
After everyone went to bed Melanie decided to get on her sewing machine and finish one of her quilts but Marge moving out was really nagging at her. Eventually those little girl tears, the ones that are only shed when a daughter really misses her mother, rose up and filled her eyes.
"Yep", she told herself as she took a tissue to her tears, "This is exactly why mom moved out like she did, to avoid THIS!"
But the tears didn't stay long and after a relaxing, hot bubble bath Melanie was able to feel some happiness for her mom and made a plan in her head to grab Meghan and go visit the retirement home soon.
And so life goes on.
They all missed having Marge around but, just like Marge knew would be the case, they got together for visits often enough.
It was Matthew, Michael and Meghan preparing to leave for college that was putting the household on edge. And then, just like life gets, something took place right in the midst of all the "getting ready for college" plans.
I'll let the pix tell the story.
What started out innocently enough as this,....
Ended up as THIS!
Yep, Melanie and Trevor welcomed twin GIRLS into the family!!
If they had any "empty nest" worries looming in the hearts, they were GONE because now they had a nest as full as a nest can get!
Their precious twin nooboo daughter's poofed into toddlers real quick!
This is Monica!
And this is Mallory!
Shortly after the twins aged up it was time for the teens to head off to college! Matthew and Michael couldn't wait and they each had a plan to end up the big man on campus!
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Matthew |
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Michael |
Meghan wasn't quite as excited as the boys.
The idea of living away from home and on campus scared her. She did her best to keep her fears to herself but Melanie could sense her niece's anxiety. It was a sensitive situation. Melanie wanted to do something to put Meghan's mind at ease about college but her niece was pretty closed up on the subject and refused to talk about it. She knew that Meghan's shy nature was the biggest part of the problem, but there was also an issue of Meghan's poor self image - she didn't think she was very pretty, not compared to all the other girls she knew that were getting ready for college too.
For months and months Meghan had been BEGGING to get contact lenses, (she hated wearing glasses), so as a little "going off to college" gift and a possible "ego boost", Melanie and Trevor took her in for some contacts - she was thrilled!!
And her new look did bolster her confidence and in no time at all, living on campus didn't seem like such a bad idea to Meghan.
I think she looks really pretty now,..
and the spitting image of her Aunt Melanie!!
And off to college the three of them went.
Yes, Melanie cried and Trevor even shed a tear or two. But there wasn't a whole lot of time for crying, there were birthdays ready to happen.
It was time for their youngest son, Tyler, to teen up
and for twins, Monica and Mallory to toddler up!!
And look who came over to help celebrate!!
Needless to say, Melanie and Trevor are always ecstatic whenever Tabitha has time to come home for a visit! And this was no exception. They were pleased that Liam came too and Melanie could tell by the sparkle in both Tabitha and Liam's eyes, they were very much in love.
As a matter of fact, Melanie's willing to bet her and Trevor's life savings on Liam becoming their son-in-law, which, in her book, was perfectly fine! They both like Liam a great deal and totally trust him with their daughter's heart.
But at the same time, Melanie hopes getting married isn't something these two kids plan on doing real soon - first things first and graduating college is the important task right now.
While Trevor was in the kitchen whipping up a special birthday dinner, Melanie, Tabitha and Liam caught up with each other.
Melanie was very curious on how their 3 new college kids were doing on campus! Of course her and Trevor talk to them on the phone just about every other day, but Melanie wanted to get the "real scoop" from their big sister who actually see's them on campus.
It was a big disappointment that they couldn't make it over for the celebration but they had evening classes and can't afford missing even one class at this early stage. Melanie promised them a bunch of leftovers and birthday cake that Tabitha would drop off.
It was just one of those things when a family has to make the best of things.
Marge couldn't come either because she was on a trip to Spain with a bunch of her retirement pals!
No, there was no need to worry about Marge being lonely or sitting around collecting dust in her elder years, she was one busy gal, (and having the time of her life!)
Some very interesting news came from Liam as Trevor was serving dinner -
seems Matthew has himself a G-I-R-L-F-R-I-E-N-D!!!!
It was one of those things where Liam heard it from a friend that had heard it from someone else who also heard it from elsewhere, but both Liam and Tabitha vouched for the reliability of the source, oh yes, it was true.
But Liam couldn't tell Melanie and Trevor much more about it and Tabitha knew just as much as Liam did. But the word on campus is that whoever this girl is, Matthew fell head over heels hard in love with her.
The news stunned Melanie but it didn't seem to phase Trevor much.
She's always been so in-tune with her kids and always knew when something was up with one of them, sometimes even before they did!
But this one came right out of left field and she had a lot of mixed feelings about it. Matthew and Michael never ever had a girlfriend before and Matthew was especially shy and awkward around girls. Imagining him in love was hard for her to do. She always figured he'd be the type to take the plunge later in life. Certainly not in his first weeks as a freshman in college!!!
The news of Matthew's Mystery Girlfriend quickly changed to some other topic as they ate dinner but Melanie couldn't think about anything else and it bothered her a little bit that Trevor and Tabitha weren't as rattled by the news as she was.
They were talking about FOOTBALL for crying out loud!
She had the urge to call Matthew right then and there to find out what was going on but a little voice inside her told her to stand back and wait for Matthew to give her the news himself, which she knew was what she had to do. But it didn't stop her from making Tabitha promise to find out as much about this "girlfriend" that she could and then report back to her ASAP!!!
As soon as they finished dinner Tyler was quick to remind everyone that it was officially BIRTHDAY time!
He had ants in his pants to get in front of that cake and start being a teenager! Those birthday candles were lit in front of Tyler before Melanie had a chance to get out of her dining room chair!!!
Teen Tyler!!
Tyler hated his Sim-issue birthday clothes
and was quick to change into something else.
I have to agree -
that Sim-issue outfit was downright awful!
I like the outfit he chose, he's a good looking teen!
Unfortunately Melanie's camera person, (me),
was experiencing some technical difficulties and wasn't able
to get any shots of Monica and Mallory getting zapped into kids
in front of their birthday cakes.
In other words I spaced it off,......sorry!
But here they are right after the big event!!
As birthday celebrations go in the Ngai family this one turned out to be very low key. But that was fine with Melanie. The news about Matthew having a girlfriend really threw her and she was totally distracted by it.
She wasn't one of those typical, nosy mothers that need to know EVERYTHING about their kids but she sure wanted to know more about THIS!
But there was one thing that was VERY obvious at the party -
how very much in love Tabitha and Liam are.
Melanie wondered if her daughter had her First Kiss yet.
It was hard to believe that Tabitha and Liam hadn't gone that far being they were so crazy about each other.
Tabitha always came to Melanie with every little thing in her life and even now, every day she calls her mom to talk about all the private girly stuff in her life. They didn't have any secrets from one another.
Melanie was certain if Tabitha had gotten her First Kiss she would have told her all about it.
It was right after Tyler teened up that Melanie got her answer in regard to the kiss.
Just as Trevor walked by,... Liam made his move.
And Tabitha got her First Kiss!
Unfortunately Melanie missed it because she was busy looking
out the window at the rain, but Trevor had a front row seat for it!
out the window at the rain, but Trevor had a front row seat for it!
It was Trevor that told her about the kiss, which he tossed out to her as casually as he would in reporting to her that it was raining outside,
(which of course, she already knew that).
She was only able to catch the last couple of floating hearts disappearing around their cute little heads. It upset her that she was so close in seeing her daughter get her first kiss,..but then missed it.
At least she got to experience the "after-glow" - Tabitha was lit up as bright as a Christmas tree and Liam looked as though he'd just hit a grand-slam home run!
For the rest of the evening Tabitha, Liam and Tyler hung out at the dining room table talking about everything from football to physics. Tyler had a dream to attend college from the time he was barely able to talk and he was dead set on becoming a doctor, (just like his dad). Melanie had no doubts that Tyler would make his dream come true and that he'd be an excellent doctor.
Trevor fell asleep on the couch watching TV while Moncia and Mallory played with the toys they got for their birthday.
Melanie thought about joining them at the table but they were wrapped up in their conversation and she didn't have much to offer on what they were talking about. She knew better to not wake up Trevor and the twins were in a world of their own playing with their "big kid" toys.
She wanted to call Matthew, that's what she wanted!
Actually what she REALLY wanted was for Matthew to be sitting right there in front of her,..in person so she could shine a hot lamp down on him and grill him like an old school homicide cop until he sang like a canary spilling every single detail about this girl he's supposedly in love with!
Her reaction to the news about Matthew alarmed her.
This wasn't like her to think this way. Matthew was a big boy and perfectly capable of being in a relationship with a girl. He was never a mama's boy and she prided herself on NOT being one of those annoying, over protective mothers that always make their kid's life miserable.
But she just couldn't help herself.
All she could see in her mind's eye was her precious, gentle son having his fragile heart broken by one of those,...those,. man-eater type girls that leave a long trail of used and confused boys in a heartless wake as she hops from boyfriend to boyfriend to boyfriend.
Or worse yet, maybe the girl isn't even a fellow college student, but some woman he met off campus,..like a girl working in a coffee shop or maybe she's one of those loud, tacky, gum popping Jersey Shore types that sling beer for a living at one of the sports bars close to Matthew's campus?
Or maybe she's one of those older, sex-crazed, cougar women you always hear about that walk around reeking of ultra expensive perfume and cigarette smoke?
And what if this cougar-woman decided to stalk her young, inexperienced son after watching him studying at the library, following him when he leaves, hoping to catch him completely off guard and vulnerable as he walks to the corner store for his favorite snack - a 2 liter Mountain Dew and a bag of Funyuns?
,... and then what if,. when he comes out of the store she blocks his path, revealing a low cut, sparkly blouse with at least four buttons undone, her salon tanned cleavage aimed right at him as she asks him in her low, cougar-woman, heavy breathing, "I want your sex" voice if he can help her out with a HOT light for the cigarette dangling seductively from her recently collagen injected puffed up blood red lips?
Matthew was no match for a woman like that and the next thing they know her son is chain smoking cigarettes, drinking gin from Bombay and paying cougar-woman's 12 year old son to write his college essays!
And then,...the day will come when cougar-woman gets bored,... her poor son would,..OMG, what if he ends up a SEX ADDICT when cougar woman is done with him?
Hey, if it can happen to David Duchovny it can happend to anyone!!!
OMG, what if he doesn't use condoms? What if,.....
Melanie's cell phone goes off startling her back to reality.
Nothing but weird static and a what sounds like a recorded voice far, far away.
"Hello, I can't hear you, speak up, who is this?"
More static and then a long silence followed with a clicking noise.
Melanie decides to hang up when she hears a familiar voice speaking some really bad Spanish.
"Hola! Soy yo, esto es su madre!!!"
A wide grin spreads across her face.
"Hi Ya Mom! How's Spain?"