Last year I was all prepared to present some Sims Halloween stories
as a special treat for all of you but some unstable CC stopped me
dead in the water and I never got to finish.
I hate to see the MANY pix I took back then end up
collecting cyber space dust, never to be seen,
so I decided I may as well share them this Halloween.
I'm not able to present the stories from beginning to end as I'm lacking
a lot of pix so please accept my apology now if when you check out the stories and your Simself doesn't have much of a part in it -
that's only because I had to stop creating.
a lot of pix so please accept my apology now if when you check out the stories and your Simself doesn't have much of a part in it -
that's only because I had to stop creating.
And here is how it all began.
Just a little background info so you'll understand how
our Simselves ended up in these unique houses.
It all takes place on the Acedemia Le Tour campus.
Each dorm house is named in correlation to where it's located,
such as North Hall, East Hall, South Hall and West Hall -
pretty basic and not too creative but that's what they'd
been called for many, many years.
All four houses are located on the outskirts of town,
exactly the same distance from one another, built there long
before the property became a college campus.
I'll let you know who lives in which house as soon
as I'm done telling you about how they came about living in these houses.
It all starts in our Junior year on campus.
our Simselves ended up in these unique houses.
It all takes place on the Acedemia Le Tour campus.
Each dorm house is named in correlation to where it's located,
such as North Hall, East Hall, South Hall and West Hall -
pretty basic and not too creative but that's what they'd
been called for many, many years.
All four houses are located on the outskirts of town,
exactly the same distance from one another, built there long
before the property became a college campus.
I'll let you know who lives in which house as soon
as I'm done telling you about how they came about living in these houses.
It all starts in our Junior year on campus.
Since arriving 3 years prior, nothing more than eager little Freshman,
we've been living in the modest, (cheap), cramped 9 room dorms.
With Senior year at the horizon it was a unanimous choice on all our parts
to move the heck out of those crummy little dorms and into houses of our own.
We were all on the Dean's List with an A+ average, so we deserved
a comfortable house to party and enjoy the freedom
that comes with being a Young Adult.
The idea of living in the small campus dorms for Senior year
was something none of us wanted
but there was one tiny little problem in our plan -
we didn't have the big simoleons to rent any of the nice big
rental homes that were offered on campus.

Bound and determined to NOT spend Senior year in the small dorms
we've been living in the modest, (cheap), cramped 9 room dorms.
With Senior year at the horizon it was a unanimous choice on all our parts
to move the heck out of those crummy little dorms and into houses of our own.
We were all on the Dean's List with an A+ average, so we deserved
a comfortable house to party and enjoy the freedom
that comes with being a Young Adult.
The idea of living in the small campus dorms for Senior year
was something none of us wanted
but there was one tiny little problem in our plan -
we didn't have the big simoleons to rent any of the nice big
rental homes that were offered on campus.

Bound and determined to NOT spend Senior year in the small dorms
we began searching high and low for something within our budget.
All of us appealed to our parents to help but as much as we'd begged
and pleaded they refused to pick up the tab, saying this was something
we had to pay for on our own, (just like in the real Sim world).
By now most of us had a steady sweetheart,
some of us were even engaged, so we were very adamant
about renting houses with nice big PRIVATE bedrooms
and more than one hot tub, of course.
We spent all of our spare time looking
but the kind of houses we wanted didn't fit our restrictive "on our own" budget.
And the houses we could afford the rent were much too small.
We'd just about lost all hope when out of the blue Morti Goth
rushed in to save the day - he'd found the PERFECT four houses!
But the BEST part is they had the perfect rent that we could afford.
Needless to say everyone was thrilled and Morti was our Super Hero!

Morti told us the houses would be ready when we started Senior Year -
All of us appealed to our parents to help but as much as we'd begged
and pleaded they refused to pick up the tab, saying this was something
we had to pay for on our own, (just like in the real Sim world).
By now most of us had a steady sweetheart,
some of us were even engaged, so we were very adamant
about renting houses with nice big PRIVATE bedrooms
and more than one hot tub, of course.
We spent all of our spare time looking
but the kind of houses we wanted didn't fit our restrictive "on our own" budget.
And the houses we could afford the rent were much too small.
We'd just about lost all hope when out of the blue Morti Goth
rushed in to save the day - he'd found the PERFECT four houses!
But the BEST part is they had the perfect rent that we could afford.
Needless to say everyone was thrilled and Morti was our Super Hero!

Morti told us the houses would be ready when we started Senior Year -
all we had to do was give him our money and he'd take care of everything!!!
At the end of Junior year we gave Morti every dime we had
and didn't give it another thought.
After Summer break we returned to the campus as Seniors
all packed and ready to move into our new campus homes.
We really should have looked at the houses first -
especially before giving Morti all our money!
Yes, the houses were big..
VERY big, but they were also very old, very run down
and most of all, VERY creepy.
Our first reaction was to refuse moving in
and we demanded our money back from Morti.
Unfortunately that wasn't an option
as we'd all signed an agreement, a very LEGAL agreement,
one that couldn't be broken without losing all the money we paid.
And on top of that, we'd be hit with some expensive fines for breaking a contract.
We had no choice,
these big, creepy houses were our new homes for Senior year.
At the end of Junior year we gave Morti every dime we had
and didn't give it another thought.
After Summer break we returned to the campus as Seniors
all packed and ready to move into our new campus homes.
We really should have looked at the houses first -
especially before giving Morti all our money!
Yes, the houses were big..
VERY big, but they were also very old, very run down
and most of all, VERY creepy.
Our first reaction was to refuse moving in
and we demanded our money back from Morti.
Unfortunately that wasn't an option
as we'd all signed an agreement, a very LEGAL agreement,
one that couldn't be broken without losing all the money we paid.
And on top of that, we'd be hit with some expensive fines for breaking a contract.
We had no choice,
these big, creepy houses were our new homes for Senior year.
And that's where the stories begin.
I'll start by sharing each house, showing who lives there.
I created some graphics for you all showing us as kids,
teens and then our current Young Adult.
That's how long I was playing everyone in this hood.
teens and then our current Young Adult.
That's how long I was playing everyone in this hood.
It was sad for me when it all got borked.
But anyway, first house is North;
(then East, South and West).
(then East, South and West).