Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Friday, October 16, 2015

Thursday, October 8, 2015

*All Is NOT Lost*

But unfortunately my hood Chuckanut Bay is, (lost).
I accidentally deleted it thinking it was a different hood.
Ah, well,..hate to admit it but the Simski's in Chuckanut Bay 
were becoming a bit boring and it was a drudge to play the hood.
Maybe me deleting it was one of those subconscious moves so I wouldn't
 have to force myself to play any longer?

Could be,...

But please, do NOT despair! 


I will be adding all the pix from the story I wanted to share 
last year for Halloween but couldn't because of a major incident stemming 
from an over-load of unreliable CC causing the hood to bork out on me.

I may not have the Uni hood any longer but I have all the pix.

These Halloween stories take place in different dorms
 while all the Simski's are attending college.

And the perfect title for all of these stories is -
Somebody's Watchin Me!!

Stay Tuned!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

*Love Me, Love Me Not*

So, last we left off with the Simski household
the big question was -
Did Sleeko and Darren fall in love?

Saturday, April 11, 2015

*The Simmons Move In*

As you can see, the Simmons family is all a twitter
as they move into their new place!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

*The Simski's Move In*

Well, first things first -
After Brad, Gabe, (and yes, he's Goopy, but I really hate that name),
 Nicole, Rie, Sleeko, Steele, Trevor and Yes got moved into their new house
the next thing on the list was to get to know each other better 
and "make friends", (you know how Sims are).
So, that's what they did.
Pretty basic stuff,.....

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

*New Beginnings*

Yep, the Simski's are back!
No, they aren't the "original" Simski's 
as their hood bit the dust and could be played no longer.

But there are some NEW Simski's in town 
and they've taken up residence in a shiny new hood!